Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to provide a happy, safe, and nurturing learning environment where children can be supported to achieve their full potential through access to quality first teaching and appropriately differentiated learning activities and approaches. We aim for children to be able to communicate their needs using augmentative communication approaches and become more independent in their choices. We aim to provide a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment where children can safely explore and challenge their own learning, developing their early skills and knowledge. We aim to work closely and collaboratively with parents in order to ensure we value home experiences and develop a true reflection of the whole child.
Curriculum Rationale
Teachers have worked collaboratively to identify the rationale for each segment of the curriculum. This is the foundations of the learning that we are working towards within this pathway. From here, learning is personalised for individuals.
Our EYFS pathway follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and have adapted Development Matters to create our own curriculum content that is relevant for the needs and abilities of the pupils, alongside consideration of individual EHCP outcomes. We concentrate on the three prime areas of communication and Language, Personal, social and emotional development and Physical development, and as children grow and make progress in the prime areas, this will help them to naturally develop skills within the four specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design. Children learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities, with a carefully structured timetable so that children have directed teaching during the day.
Assessment is ongoing and is used to plan weekly lessons and required intervention. Assessment is informed by quality written Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s) and progress made against Development Matters. Video and photographic evidence is captured using Evidence for Learning to demonstrate progress and progress of each individual targets, as well as progress within Development Matters is assessed and moderated every term. This progress and the evidence recorded is shared with the parents via Evidence for Learning, and during termly meetings.