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Sleep Research Project with University of Birmingham

Sleep-Impulsivity Study (SIB) at University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham have a new sleep study starting as part of their ‘Sleep-Impulsivity Study (SIB)’ project. This will involve children with autism and an intellectual disability but without a diagnosis of a known genetic syndrome. Due to COVID-19 restrictions they are not currently conducting face-to-face assessments, but are able to offer interested families the opportunity to take part in this remote study of sleep and behaviour, which will not involve any physical contact with the research team.


In order to be eligible for this study, participants may or may not have difficulties with sleep, but must show self-injurious behaviour at least once per week. Self-injurious behaviour might include things like self-biting, headbanging or eye poking.

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact the project lead, Georgie Agar (