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SENDIASS - October Meeting

DfE SEND reforms

The 2014 SEND Reforms, underpinned by the Children and Families Act, tried to deliver a vision of joined support based on the whole child/young person and close collaboration with families. This, in turn, would prepare young people to lead fulfilling and independent adult lives. The Department for Education (DfE) believes this was the right vision. However, it acknowledges that the ‘reforms’ did not fully predict the impact that wider changes across education, health and social care would have. This has led to poor experiences and high levels of frustration for families and professionals. In response to these concerns, the DfE launched a SEND policy review (The SEND Review) in September 2019. Publication of its findings and recommendations has been delayed by, among other things, the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is also recognised that significant policy implementation ‘challenges’ were clear before the pandemic took hold in 2020.


Monday, 18th October 2021 (1:00 p.m.– 2.00 pm)


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